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Cleaning House

God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.Don’t throw me out with the trash, or fail to breathe holiness in me.Bring me back from gray exile, put a fresh wind in my sails!

Psalm 51:10 MSG


I walked in the door of my home, took one look around and was ready to run back out the door. Life had been so busy that I had let those little everyday cleaning tasks build up. Laundry was piled high, dishes needed to be washed, and dust bunnies were collecting in the corners atop my dark hardwood floors. I had gone without doing those little things that only take a minute or two if you do them daily but can take hours if you let them go. As a mom of 3 I know how quickly things can get out of control before you even realize it. God spoke to me in that moment about my spiritual life. Not only had I let my chores get out of hand but I hadn’t been maintaining my spiritual life either. I hadn’t been spending those few minutes alone with God daily to put on my armor to face the world. If I would just do these things I would have the tools to handle the small temptations that are thrown my way instead of giving in to them and having to clean up the mess of my sin.

I am working hard to stay on top of those little cleaning task on a day to day basis and to enlist the help of my children so that I don’t become overwhelmed. I have also learned to keep my spiritual life clean. If I keep my heart in check and I squash temptation before it turns to sin I won’t have a spiritual mess to clean up.