/tmp/jkxxu.jpg Disoriented – Jada Huss



But Jonah got up to run away from the Lord by going to Tarshish.

17 The Lord caused a big fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. Jonah 1:3 &17



A beachfront restaurant owner went for a walk late at night on the beach with some friends after working long hours. While strolling, he approached one of the numerous sea turtle nests that dawned the beach. Soon, the sand began to quiver and the tiniest turtles began to emerge.


The restaurant owner swiftly noticed a problem. Instead of the infant turtles heading straight for the ocean they became disoriented by all of the lights and sounds of the world behind them and lost sight of their destiny ahead at sea. They were headed towards the hustle and bustle of the hot black pavement.


With a quick call to the experts for advice the restaurant owner was able to capture the tiny creatures in a large white buckets from the restaurant. The next evening the minute sea creatures were redirected and released into the crashing waves before a crowd of awe struck observers including myself.


We as Christians often allow ourselves to become disoriented with the things of this world and allow ourselves to lose focus of pursuing the purpose that God created us to fulfill. Often times the things the world portrays as good look better than the path that God has laid out for us. The turtles were headed for what seemed more glamorous instead of the vast ocean, which unlocked their destiny.


In the Bible we see Jonah run from what God asked him to do. He was running from God’s purpose in his life, towards something that seemed not so daunting. Maybe to the turtles, the ocean seemed so vast and uncertain that the busy road seemed less intimidating.

God provided a whale to help redirect Jonah, for the turtles it was bucket. God can provide safe havens like this for all of us when we lose our way.


Just like the turtles. God may scoop you up and take you to a place much like the bucket that seems unnatural and uncomfortable but patience and faith will prove God’s hand in directing your life. If you find yourself “stuck in a bucket” take a minute to reflect and make the necessary changes in your heart. It just may save your life!
