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Moses Moment

I had a Moses moment.  I felt like Moses standing in front of the burning bush saying, “but Lord I stutter, how am I going to speak to the King.” I have been praying for quite sometime about how to really seek God’s will for my life.  I never want to be off of his course.  In the last week I have really heard the Lord speaking to me saying, “share your story.”  “But I’m not an eloquent speaker,” I told God on Monday.  “I don’t have  a lot extra time to write or speak,” I said on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I told God I wasn’t sure.  Today, Sunday, I had a Moses moment but instead of God sending me an Aaron I said ok.  “I will share my story, I will share your story. “ I believe God gave Moses Aaron because of Moses’ lack of faith in God’s ability to help him overcome his disability.  We all have disabilities in a way.  Sometimes God calls us to do things that prick our deepest insecurities.  My insecurities are often the same as others and God uses this to reach those around  us in powerful ways.  I have so many little stories to tell of God’s love, grace, faithfulness and hope.   They are not any more special than the stories of others but I believe God has called me to share in order that He may receive all the glory for the things he has done in my life.  I believe we are all called to share our story.  Our callings can be to share with our close family and friends or with the world.

It is also our duty as Christians to follow in immediate obedience.

In my life, I found myself waiting until I wasn’t so busy, or we were more financially stable so I could focus solely on writing.  Waiting until the time is right is our earthly way of looking at things.  I’m not saying we should make unwise, rash decisions.  However, sometimes following God requires us to jump out of the boat and follow him as the disciples did.  For many us, jumping out of the boat could just simply be making the decision to begin today taking steps toward what it is that God is calling us to do.  As a result of my Moses moment I am choosing to do what I should have done a long time ago.  So with this blog I am jumping out of the boat and taking small steps to follow him and do what I know He is calling me to do.  I challenge you to jump out of the boat as well and be willing to go and do whatever it is God is calling you to do.  Then share your story, you never know whose life God may use you as  vehicle to change!  I can’t wait to see the immeasurable ways He will receive glory from obedience and do more than I could ever ask or imagine!


With a heart burning to follow Him,
