/tmp/lcevr.jpg All Things New – Jada Huss

All Things New

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here !                                   2 Corinthians 5:17

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.   Phillipians 3:12

Well, I did it! I took them down. I cleared my house of all the twinkle, all the sparkle, all the warmth and comfort of the holiday season.

Why is that so hard? Perhaps, the reason is, because we pour so much of ourselves into preparing our homes and lives for the celebration of the birth of our Savior.

It’s hard because it feels like an end. Its an end to all the excitement, and the beginning of a new year full of uncertainties and certain expectancy to do things better than before.

Yet, we are the same person. We may have had experiences in the past year that changed who we were, experiences that left us feeling alone and hopeless. Maybe, our experiences over the past year were encouraging and ones you want to reflect on. Either way, it feels like an end, one you will want to build on or one you will want to forget.

How do we move FORWARD? Forward is the word that the Lord gave us for our family this year. As I placed super sticky silver tape on boxes that are beginning to show their wear, I had a chance to reflect on that word. I want to move forward! Forward, towards my professional goals, forward toward being a better wife and mother, forward toward everything God has called me to do.

I refuse to get down. I refuse to have a sense of regret at the close of this year. I pledge to remember my humanness. I’ll remember that it is not easy and that everyone fails. What is most important is seeking the Lord with my whole heart and setting apart time each day to commune with him. All the other “stuff” will fall into place. God can make all things new!