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Our Adoption Journey

Before I was ever married I knew that I was called to adopt a child some day. After almost 10 years of marriage and two sweet boys, Brad and I felt like the time was right for us to begin our journey to adoption. We started taking Foster Care classes in September and finished mid November. By February we became a fully licensed Foster Care Home. We do not plan to Foster at this time except but as a means to adoption. We got a call Easter weekend to provide respite care for a 2 year old little girl while her current foster family went out of town. We were told that if things went smoothly that her placement may be moved to our home as she is getting close to being able to be adopted. We have kept her the last four weekend and fallen in love with this beautiful little girl. We got a call yesterday that her placement would be moved to our home in hopes that we would be able to adopt her soon. We are beyond excited, nervous, and all other feelings that one could imagine having in a situation like this. God has been so faithful throughout this journey. We started praying in September, when we started this process, that this child would be protected and safe until she was able to join our family. This little girl was placed into a wonderful foster care home right here in our same town in September. Wow! God answered our prayer and we didn’t even know it. I was praying silently that I would get to dress a little girl in an Easter dress for Easter. We got a call Easter weekend to take her for respite care and even though her foster family picked her up before church we got to dress her in her pretty dress. God answered a prayer and gave us a blessing in a way that showed us his infinite love for us. We will be making the transition to our home Thursday of next week. As we continue in this journey please pray that the final stages of the adoption process go quickly. We are waiting on her parents rights to be completely terminated and that is the scariest part. If God chooses for her to only be a part of our family temporarily we pray that we would make a lasting impact on her life. However, I believe that it is God’s plan for us to be her FOREVER family. Her hair is blonde and eyes are blue so she fits right in with our family.This is just another provision that shows God’s love for us!