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When You Are Frustrated

The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18


Mom, Mommy, Mama, MOOOOOOM! With three small children I hear these words on a daily basis and often from more than one child at a time. In my mind I wish they would learn a little more independence by taking the initiative to do things on their own. Often they will complete whatever task I ask them too but they just want me “in there” with them. They want me in the same room where they are or they will join me wherever I am to complete the task. I try not to get frustrated. I know some day all too soon they will not want me in the same room. They will not want or need my help with day-to- day tasks. I try to cherish the moments… in the moment it can be exhausting.

As I was reflecting on this this morning I was thankful that our Heavenly Father never tires of us calling on His name. I also thought a lot about the way we as Christians call upon the name of our Lord.  As new Christians  we call on His name often. We pray a lot and have a relationship where we talk to God often and are excited about our relationship. As we get older and more self-sufficient we often slip away and only call on God when we need Him to help us meet our needs or in times of crisis. We are not as in tune with Him as we should be. I want to teach my children to do things for themselves but also to rely on God for help along the way. I want to teach them to call on God often, even in the small things but to take action and not sit back and just wait on God to do something. I want them to want to be in the same place that God would have them to be. So for today when I get frustrated I will try to remember that we as parents are called to be an example of Christ to our children.